Sites Mission 

This Site is dedicated to showing you the hidden world that is around you,that
the masses don't see. Some call it the Matrix, some call it Spiritual warfare,whatever
you may want to call it, it is very real! If you don't know what the Matrix is, then
you are in it right now and you don't even know it!
Genesis 11:9
 That is why it was called Babel --because there the LORD confused the language of the whole world. From there the LORD scattered them over the face of the whole earth.
Evil has a new language now, only now with symbols,numbers,magic,rituals,etc..
Things that we are not taught in schools to see,now you know why!
Most of the team members featured on this site have a gift, which did not come over
night. It has been shown to them slowly, this hidden world within a world!
This evil(Fallen Ones,Nephilim,Sons of God,Fallen Angels)whatever you want to call it
mock us and Yahweh. They show us the plans they have in store for us in movies,music,Tv etc..
laughing that we can't see them when they are right in front of us!
This is a free site, information is free,documentaries are free,music etc..
All we ask is that you come with a open mind and heart and share the information.
Remember this "The masses are wrong"
The masses thought the world was flat
The masses thought the Sun revolved around the earth
The masses killed Christ, and he was right in front of them!
Thank you
Please check back from time to time, new doorways opening up soon!
Thanks for coming and bring a friend next time!
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